You've Been Boo'd
So this is something that I never heard of doing until I was an adult. No lie, my parents are old school Mexican I’ve never heard of this until college.
So lucky for my neighbors I’m all about these traditions and being that my hubs is in the booze business we have to include booze in our Boo Bags. Each Bag had a small soap in the shape of pumpkin, ghost, or tombstone. It was a plus that they smelled like cookies! They also had a custom ghost wand made by Shauna @stayinghomesawyer a bag of fresh cookies, pumpkin chalk, candy, fake eyeballs, fake spiders, lollipops dressed as ghosts, booze and confetti. I topped it off with a disco ornament accompanied by a custom made Sugar Skull Tag made by Kelsey Klos. Simple easy and to the point and most Importantly cost effective at a little over $10 each! The list of items are included below:
Wand Ghost: @stayinghomesawyer
Booze: anywhere you want
Bags/lollipops: @target
Cookies: Home Made (mostly)
EyeBalls Spiders @dollartree
Confetti: @shopstudiopep
Soap: Etsy Shop
Custom Boo Tags: @kelseyklos